Monday, September 27, 2010

Assignment 1: Shading System

Synthetic Tectonics
modulation and manifestation
ARCHT-570-01, MARCH-602: Synthetic Tectonics
Instructor: Judith K. Mussel
Fall 2010- California College of the Arts
Tuesday 07:15PM - 10:15PM, Main SF Bldg, Room LAB C
Units/Credit: 3
Enrolment capacity: 12

Assignment 1

Assignment 1 focus is to design a shading system to mitigate the heat gain on the south west facade of the CCA building in San Francisco. Students will explore surface subdivision and intelligent environmental response. The units of the surface should adapt to the subtle changes of the heat gain throughout the façade.
“Digitally based technologies and techniques have introduced new spatial and formal capacities in architecture. This digital technological shift led to several lines of investigation in contemporary architecture: one seamless materiality, in which fluid smoothness was a primary design consideration, a second trajectory explored the outcome of digitally crafted, two-and three dimensional non-uniform patterns and textures, and a third thought the unity of skin, structure, and pattern.” Branko Kolarevic
In Assignment 1 we are interested on the second trajectory and in Assignment 2 we will shift to the third. In nature we seldom experience surfaces which are bare of any subdivision und texture. The abundance of form and color is mostly an effectual reaction to the environment.
Students should research and take one of nature’s patterns as an inspiration for their design of the shading system. Develop a design for the south façade of CCA San Fransisco as a physical model and pick a building material from the list below. Each week we will address one to two methods of surface subdivision according to your chosen material and method. It is important to acquire a physical example of the material and bring it to the next session of Synthetic Tectonics for empirical study.
With the physical model the students should develop the performance of the unit or the gradient type of assembly of the unit as a reaction of the environment on the particular site.

Select one of the listed materials:
1. Sheet Metal/ Steel plate – patterning on flat and developable surfaces
2. Laminated Wood - patterning on flat and developable surfaces
3. Structural Steel Members – networks of prefabricated traditional building material
4. Structural Wood Members - networks of prefabricated traditional building material
5. Brick- aggregation of prefabricated traditional building material
6. Other prefabricated Building material- aggregation of prefabricated nontraditional building material
7. Concrete/ Plaster – freeform plastic solids with adaptable patterns
8. Plastic Sheets - freeform plastic sheets with adaptable patterns
9. Composites – freeform plastic solids with and without adaptable patterns
10. Structural Fabric – minimal surfaces

Surface design methods corresponding to building material and method
A. Pattering on flat and developable surfaces
B. Networks of prefabricated traditional building material
C. Aggregation of traditional and nontraditional building material
D. Free form plastic solids with adaptable patterns
E. Minimal Surfaces
F. Shell Structures

The first assignment should be developed iteratively in session 1 to 4 of from Synthetic Tectonics. In week 5 we will have a pin-up to review assignment 1

Review of Assignment 1: 10-05-2010 PIN-UP

1. Physical model of one unit showing the adaption to different environmental parameters
2. Digital model of whole façade, represented in two or more renderings showing different variations
3. Hidden line drawing diagram of unit behavior

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